Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Tips to Make Gloves Helmets

Put the helmet should not be indiscriminate. If not careful, can scratch the paint surface.

To be more secure, should be given protective gloves. For those of you who do not get the gloves at the time of purchasing a helmet, you can create your own at an acceptable cost.

Select a fibrous soft cloth such as flannel. Or it could be from t-shirts.

helmCaranya glove design patterns, cut fabric / t-shirts according to the following pattern (click on image to enlarge). All patterns cut it exceeded two centimeters time. Obras the edges so neat. To sew, put together the pattern of A and B.

Fold the pattern C, and then unite with patterns A and B.

Finally, attach the rope chord pattern on the fold cavity C.

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